Foto: Rune Lundø
Morgenbriefing: saul zaks
Vi har inviteret den internationalt anerkendte dirigent, komponist og coach Saul Zacks til at komme og fortælle om hans kunstneriske virke, som hænger uløseligt sammen med kommunikation på så mange planer. Denne morgenbriefing afholdes på engelsk.
Saul forklarer det således:
“Life is bigger than life itself. For me it has always been about developing projects, attitudes and patterns of behaviour with the aid of unique communications skills and trustworthy leadership in order to create performance-based results and relations. All this is being achieved while communicating the way of organising a society that is based on values as positive energy, proactivity, thinking, learning by intuition and creating by being a musician.
My motto “Conductor – human – cooperation” helps to inspire and enrich, to move and innovate, selecting strategies that create shareholder value.
Cultural norms, social and environmental entrepreneurship and cross-cultural communication are important to me. And music. Always.”
Saul Zaks / Conductor, composer, coach at Saul Zaks
Saul Zaks is an Argentinian-born, Israeli Grammy Award Nominee conductor (Best Tango Album, 2016) living in Denmark. He has served as the conductor of the University of Southern Denmark’s Symphony Orchestra & Chamber Choir until November 2016, as well as the conductor of the Musicology Students’ Choir at Aarhus University. In 2006 he was also nominated for the P2 Prize (Danish Grammy Award) for Best Classical Album together with the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra and Choir. In addition, he regularly collaborates with the organization Distinguished Concerts International New York as a conductor (concerts at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center and Walt Disney Hall in California). Honorary Award from the Danish Conductors Association for professional work in - and for - Danish music life.
Performing Arts Platform, Valdemarsgade 1G, 8000 Aarhus C
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